Duration 9:40

Drawing a Kawaii kitten with Flowers and Happy Sky

185 watched
Published 2023/07/31

Drawing a #Kawaii #kitten with Flowers and Happy Sky رسم قطة كاواي سعيدة جداً مع أزهار وسماء ----------------------------- All of my videos are made for parents as well as nursery and primary school teachers, just to give them some ideas on how to spend some creative time with their kids. Please learn, then show them how you can draw for them for more fun! كل رسوماتي هنا للآباء والأمهات ومدرسي المرحلة الأولية من التعليم لإعطائهم أفكار ابداعية لتطبيقها مع أطفالهم أو تلاميذهم.


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