Duration 12:37

What's Inside the Abandoned Secret Hidden Mystery Clue (Evidence Of SPIES)

323 623 watched
4.5 K
Published 2018/08/15

Is someone spying on us?! This is a huge #mystery We discover potential spies here: /watch/40YCaFlAMARAC We are opening the abandoned secret hidden mystery clue that we found exploring the abandoned mystery waterfall underground cave tunnel! The tiny clue was likely put there by a spy that might be following us with a drone. We noticed that Chad Wild Clay and Vy Qwaint also have a drone following them...could these situations be related?? Is there a hacker trying to scare us? The hacker stole their tesla, and they barely got it back! Rebecca Zamolo is also dealing with a scary game master who is taking her on the most mysterious adventure full of puzzles! Is this all connected?? Carl and Jinger: Investigating Mystery Abandoned Safe for Lost Secret Clues! /watch/s85=t&A5N88MC4iw64= Vy Quaint: FOUND YOUTUBE HACKER SPY GADGETS EXPLORING Our HOUSE! (Evidence of Spies Abandoned Hidden Gear) /watch/s451=t&YrihG6M2rNG21 Finding SECRET HiDDEN TREASURE at Bottom of LAKE! (Video deleted while exploring mystery clues) /watch/0FqyYNDFkKsFy What's Inside Abandoned Underground Box?! Mystery Chain Pull Secret Revealed! /watch/QdoMfdM ... DROPPING ABANDONED SAFE OPEN!! /watch/gFibwFb ... CRACKING THE ABANDONED SAFE!! /watch/FFS3zF3 ... Carl and Jinger: FOUND Secret Mystery Abandoned Cassette Time Capsule Inside Our Spooky Basement?! /watch/JSCLPSL ... VY QWAINT: FOUND SECRET CONSPIRACY CODE EXPLORING ABANDONED CASSETTE INVESTIGATION CHALLENGE (HACKER MYSTERY) /watch/xI8QmIQ ... Exploring Our Secret Spooky Hidden Crawl Space Underground Tunnel!! (WHAT'S INSIDE??) /watch/utMLitL ... Our Channels: Carl & Jinger Family: https://goo.gl/rsnnzi Kyle's Toys and Games: https://goo.gl/tXdtZH Luke Fully Loaded: https://goo.gl/tr5OWJ Gage1Up: https://goo.gl/PYUibl


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