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Kitchenaid厨师机豹纹馒头燕麦馒头整形馒头oatmeal bread

1 090 watched
Published 2020/05/23

豹纹馒头oatmeal bread recipe.(豹纹吐司,豹纹吐司做法,leopard bread loaf,leopard bread recipe,花卷,馒头整形,花卷整形,馒头做法,馒头酵母面粉比列,蒸馒头,馒头怎么做,馒头的制作方法,馒头制作过程,花卷馒头,馒头松软秘诀,花卷的做法)20克面粉加1茶勺可可粉。20克面粉加半茶勺竹炭粉。上一期我们介绍了燕麦馒头,这里用到了燕麦面团和普通面团。发酵到2倍多一点后切成大中小。先处理最大的白色面团,呛入30克左右面粉,整理成比较厚的面片,用Kitchenaid roller第一档压十几遍直到光滑,均匀拍一层粉防粘。把混合好的可可粉 呛到中号面团,同样十几遍压到光滑。如果比较湿可以稍微加一点干粉。这是我第一次接触竹炭粉, 内心慌得一批。 赶紧把开始的面片拍打一分钟延缓二次发酵。 我总觉得哪里不对劲,却又说不出来,你为什么要做这种华而不实的东西? 我担心蒸的时候会散开所以捆了一下。我又马不停蹄地做了第二个,似乎有那么点意思。封面都做好了等着上传,直到看到我的围巾。认真参考了各种花纹后我又开始做第三个。豹纹要错落有致,所以咖色面团和黑色面团尽量不要太整齐。卷的时候如果面片太干可以粘一点点水,贴合更紧密。抱团有困难也可以沾一点水。最后用手压一压二次醒发,蒸馒头看这里。好大一朵蘑菇!竟然比想象中好吃很多,就是白馒头带点巧克力的香味 发面失败的八大原因,供新手参考。 When I was trying to make my own steamed bun several years ago, I failed so many times, even I consulted the pro and checked many recipes.When I open the lid I often see dark and hard dough . There are many reasons: 1 The yeast is not active. Test the yeast if you are not sure. Mix yeast with warm water (about 90-95 degrees, hot water will kill the yeast), and rest for some minutes, if you find a lot of bubbles on the top, the yeast is good. 1 酵母失去活性了。先用温水化开酵母静止一会,表面一层气泡说明有活性 2 The flour is not fresh. This is my No.1 fail reason. I was very confusing why sometimes I can make but after a few months I could not. Finally I realized that I stored the flour for a long time, and my house is kind of moist, when I use fresh flour, the problem is solved. Try to use all- purpose flour with less protein,but not cake flour, if you like puffy. 2 面粉受潮或者不新鲜。这是我失败的第一大原因,因为以前面粉买回来用很久,所以每次刚开始馒头会成功后来就又黑又硬了 3 The dough is not fermented well. Many people mix all the ingredients at a time to make it easier, but I mix about 20% flour, water and yeast and ferment at the beginning as start. For sure the bun tastes better. When the dough expands to 2-2.5 times the original size is enough, I won’t steam bun with over fermenting dough, I use the dough as start for future bun. In summer, the ferment is very fast, in winter you can put the container in a warm place to speed up. To tell the truth, ferment for longer time on lower temperature will result in better taste, just balance. 3 面没有发好,2-2.5倍之间是理想的程度,做出来才喧软有弹性白白胖胖 4 The dough doesn’t rest for enough time before steam. After you put every dough into the steamer, wait until it’s bigger, just you can feel the change. Do not let them expand too much, or the texture would be rough. 4 二次醒发不够,生胚要稍微大一点点再上锅蒸,如果二次醒发过度馒头组织粗糙也是不成功的 5 The burner is too strong. Once my friend complained she always failed the bun, I told her set the burner between medium and high, which perfectly solved the problem. 5 火力太大,有朋友听我的建议用中火蒸成功解决了问题 6 There are not enough steam. If the ventilation is not that good, the dough won’t get enough steam, one of my friends used a knife to enlarge the holes on the steamer, it worked. 6 蒸汽不够,如果蒸笼孔太小,馒头得不到足够蒸汽肯定是蓬发不了的 7 The dropping from the lid. I hate the dropping and used to wrap the lid with cheese cloth and kitchen towel .Now I found 10 inch diameter bamboo steamer, which can just sit on my pot. I store the bamboo steamer in very dry room, or it will get mold very soon. 7 锅盖滴水,我用竹蒸笼没有这个问题,平时放在干燥的地方不然容易发霉。没有竹蒸笼需要用厨房纸和纱布包住锅盖 8 Another possible reason might be you open the lid too soon. Almost every poster will mention that wait for 3-5 minutes before you open the lid. I just follow the rule every time, but I still wish someday I could test it. 8 虽然我对焖5分钟开盖半信半疑但是还是老老实实照着做,哪天我就蒸一个馒头实验一下关火立即开盖 Well, you may find it’s kind of hard to make the bun, but actually if you know all these tips you can make the same good buns. For more related videos,please check kitchen aid 厨师机做高颜值手撕馒头 /watch/AVhHgwVJLqIJH Hamilton Beach Bread Maker recipe-Brown Sugar Bread(jujube flavor) 手撕红糖发糕 /watch/MgcoqZXYnC7Yo Hamilton Beach bread maker recipe-Shell Bread 颜值超高的贝壳馍 /watch/Efw2uIe201E22


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