Duration 5900

Montessori to me just means potential; potential for what education can be

10 watched
Published 2023/08/11

"Potential to change our thinking about how children learn best, and potential to facilitate environments for learning for all children." This is an excerpt from Tatenda Blessing Muchiriri, in Episode 8 of the Montessori Mission Podcast, available on Spotify and all major listening platforms, YouTube and at enrichingenvironments.com The Montessori Mission book: a window into the diversity and richness of Montessori around the world, is available on Kindle and paperback from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Montessori-Mission-Diversity-Wisdom-Reflection/dp/B0B5XCBM5G #montessorionwheels #enrichingenvironments #montessorimission #embodiedparenting #montessoriparenting #montessoriathome #leadfromlove #montessorieducation #educationforpeace #peaceeducation #montessorimiddleeast #montessoriuae #earlyyears


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