Duration 23:34

VG Hang Pantheon vs Leona Sup - KR Patch 10.20

20 watched
Published 2020/10/14

Tier : Master Rank : 1440 Skin : Normal Spell : Flash, Ignite Rune : Press the Attack, Domination Item : Edge of Night, Umbral Glaive, Boots of Swiftness, Stopwatch, Pauldrons of Whiterock, Control Ward Game Info : https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/kr/4715391582 --Playlists-- Sup : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMgSfnRio6aE2NakRP3cXiOa Vici Gaming : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMgH5ZQ7pxAqBEAgy-4TzoKh Hang : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMi8iURy4If_Fl6dACBb8cnt Pantheon : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMhzDdS6G4eAWlDQKjvshXmX Leona : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMhnEomAgoSz7AjMJiOmRnaU BigShot : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMg8fMwUMNh06hHIXCHv3w7x Jax : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMi95QIvRiA_lNo1izIwuyp7 Ivern : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMiX4Noe5QTFioU7_iZlN6wX Irelia : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMijwxBS9Ul4mWOgBfAC2zis Kai'Sa : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMivlJQj6eUC3sjMGND8ErKg Camille : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMgJPm1AM74HLrswIXN-Pc1n Elise : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMj5EMKlZJ9-ulGapec-vKaE Lucian : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMhbzp6EZKkw-9bu7ud_nrQb Ashe : /playlist/PLFpI36OEhXMij1a5hqwKt050Hg-vKkkT4 --Timeline-- 00:00 Champion vs Champion 00:04 Ban & Pick & Players Name & Tier & Rank 00:19 Item Builds & Ability Builds & Player's Runes 00:30 Pantheon Abilites Description 01:48 GAME PLAY 02:52 ASSIST 03:07 GAME PLAY 06:12 ASSIST 06:36 GAME PLAY 07:30 Get a KILL 07:45 GAME PLAY 09:15 Get a KILL 09:30 GAME PLAY 09:38 ASSIST 09:53 GAME PLAY 11:11 ASSIST 11:26 GAME PLAY 11:29 Take down The Turret 11:44 GAME PLAY 13:58 ASSIST 14:13 GAME PLAY 14:54 ASSIST 15:09 GAME PLAY 17:23 Take down The Turret 17:38 GAME PLAY 17:46 ASSIST 18:04 GAME PLAY 18:05 ASSIST 18:20 GAME PLAY 18:37 Take down The Turret 18:52 GAME PLAY 18:54 ASSIST 19:09 GAME PLAY 19:37 ASSIST 19:52 GAME PLAY 21:02 Take down The Inhibitor 21:17 GAME PLAY 22:27 Take down The Turret 22:41 ASSIST 23:04 GAME PLAY 23:24 DAMAGE DEALT TO CHAMPIONS Contact Me : spectatelolvideos@gmail.com


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