Duration 12:33

Two old man who have been engaged in the journey of life with cattle n tune of flute since childhood

1 031 watched
Published 2021/12/18

The daily routine of two old men who have been engaged in the journey of life with the tune of cow, buffalo and muruli since childhood. सानैदेखि गाई भैँसी र मुरुलीको धुन संग जीवनको यात्रामा अल्झिरहेका दुई वृद्धहरुको दिनचर्या !! Cow herding is one of the main occupation of the villages of Rukum East for farming. People of the villages herd the cows for milk, make manure and plow the fields. They have many sheds on different places.Cowherds moving from one field to another fields to make manure for the cultivation of crop.


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